Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Recent Success!

We are thrilled that our 4th flip, Pocahontas Drive, was put under contract in only 13 days on the market! It is so rewarding to see all of our hard work pay off - and in the quick kind of way. This property was a really fun project because David and I renovated it all, only hiring out A/C and electrical work. In the beginning, we put our heads together and came up with the best plan of attack for a property that needed more work than we had repair money...BUT, we believed in our vision for the house and our ability to make it happen on a small budget. So, a few grand, 4 weeks, a dynamic duo, and a lot of determination later, we put that sign in the yard and hoped (and prayed!) for a quick sale...Here are pics of the transformation!



We are now back working on Flip #5, Demouy Avenue, lovingly nicknamed "The Beast"...a property with a repair budget of over $90,000...insane! With all that we are replacing on this property, we are trying to salvage little treasures here and there...one of which being this cool old brick boiler housing in the kitchen. It's pretty rough around the edges as it sits but it's going to be a neat feature by the time we're done...stay tuned!


  1. You two always create the most amazing flips that make perfect homes for people. Can't wait to see what treasures you guys will save in the next flip!

  2. It's so rewarding to see it all come together on each flip and being proud of the product we delivered! I love going to work everyday! I never thought I'd say that :) thanks so much for the encouraging words!!
