Sunday (Day 24) - I spent the day painting the master bath and Dave prepped
the GROSS tubs and surrounds for a fresh coat of epoxy. He also knocked out
hanging a few lights and other odds and ends...
Monday (Day 25) - We resigned ourselves to go grocery shopping because we had
ZILCH to eat in the house and we are having to really stretch our monies, so no eating out for awhile. The towing company was supposed to stop by and drop off a check for the
damages to Dave's truck as well as mount a new tire but didn't show...
We spent the rest of the day answering emails, making phone calls, and
discussing a possible partnership on Deerwood with business friend of
our's. We are realizing that we really need to get it on the market ASAP because we have had this one awhile - but
since we are still at Sugar Pine as well as the with holidays
approaching, time is running out. He has a crew of guys that can knock
out the final to-do's (our last contractor bailed on us before finishing
the job). He's mulling it over and supposed to be getting back with us in a few days...
Tuesday (Day 26) - Election day! After submitting my ballot at the polls, we
headed to Lowes and Home Depot for a few things. Once we got to our
Challenge, Dave went to work installing the new hinges and hanging the
cabinet doors. I worked on painting the kitchen walls and touching up
the cabinet doors. Before calling it a night, Dave applied the new coat of epoxy to hall bath
shower. Take a look at the before and afters! We are so happy with how it turned out! Bye-bye nasty!
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Wednesday (Day 27) - Today we went to Home Depot and picked up all the new
windows. Once we got to Sugar Pine, we had to spend a few hours sanding
and repainting some of the kitchen cabinet frustrating! Some
of the previous paint coats did not do too well and stains/old gunk kept
bleeding through. It's all good now though, will post pics when we get
the handles put on! I spent the rest of the day painting the 2nd coat on
the kitchen walls and Dave went on to install 3 of the 9 windows before
we called it a night. The new windows look beeeeautiful! Carpet
installers are scheduled to come first thing tomorrow (yippee!)...we are
getting closer to the finish line!
My apologies for being rather quick with this entry! I'm exhausted from working late every night so my creative juices are rather un-juicy these days :) Heading off to bed now...Looking forward to tomorrow and the progress it will bring.
“My meaning simply is, that whatever I have tried to do in life, I have
tried with all my heart to do well; that whatever I have devoted myself
to, I have devoted myself to completely; that in great aims and in
small, I have always been thoroughly in earnest.”
― Charles Dickens
― Charles Dickens
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