Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Great news! But it's a secret ;)

Sorry for my absence! This week has been fulllll of everything business AND personal but I have some fun pictures to show of "The Beast". I finally finished the exterior painting downstairs...whew! The hubs was oh-so-sweet to help with the last few tricky spots ;) 

The inside is looking really WHITE as we are priming the walls! It looks like an insane asylum now but before it looked like something out of "Saw" or "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" so we are making progress!

 But back to our great news! I didn't want to jinx it by sharing but it's so exciting I can't help it! After being victims of the market and having to short sale our beloved 3000 square foot home of 5 years, we have been renting a little "cabin" as we call it, for the past year...700 tiny little square feet. We decided to see about being pre-approved for a home loan...hoping that our dream of home ownership would again become a reality. Well, we found out today that that dream WILL be a reality as we are pre-approved for an amount well over what we need :) :) :) God is good! All that being said, we have placed an offer on a precious little house built in the 50's with enough charm to make you want to hug it! A house that does not need much work and would be a great property to start our rental portfolio with if/when we decide to move again! Say some prayers...we are pumped!

1 comment:

  1. Well done on making the Beast look like a fresh canvas...can't wait to see the colors and staging!
